A class action lawsuit called In re: Valsartan, Losartan, and Irbesartan Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 1:19-md-02875-RBK-SAK (the “Lawsuit”) is currently pending in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey (“the Court”). The Lawsuit alleges that Defendants (a complete list of these Defendants is available here) violated state laws by manufacturing, distributing, selling and/or dispensing Valsartan or VCDs that contained impurities in the form of nitrosamines, N-nitrosodimethylamine (“NDMA”) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (“NDEA”). The Defendants have denied any wrongdoing and asserted various legal and factual defenses to the claims asserted on behalf of the Classes.

The Court has not decided whether the Defendants did anything wrong or whether the Plaintiffs’ claims have merit. However, the Court has certified both a Consumer Economic Loss Class and a Medical Monitoring Class and various Subclasses of which you may be a member unless you exclude yourself from the Classes and Lawsuit. An individual can participate in one or both of the Classes depending on whether you qualify as a class member based on the class definitions.  If you qualify, you have the right to participate as a class member or to opt out. Certain exceptions apply.

The Lawsuit is ongoing. You may visit the Case Website to register for case updates regarding the Lawsuit and any potential recovery or benefits by class members. This will help us contact you in the event of any future settlement or judgment. This Notice does not include or affect any personal injury claims.

A federal court directed that this Notice be provided to you. The Court authorized and specifically required notice to be provided by email and text message where available, as well as U.S. mail in certain limited circumstances.

This is a developing case where eligibility information and status could change.